World AIDS Day: Islamic Relief unites with UNAIDS
In the run up to World AIDS Day on December 1 Islamic Relief Worldwide CEO Naser Haghamed met with the deputy director of UNAIDS, Dr Luiz Loures. Within a wide ranging discussion, Naser and Dr Loures talked about social inclusion around HIV and looked forward to the future with both organisations reengaging with a focus [...]
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Humanitarians hone skills with disaster simulation
To be first on the scene after a disaster strikes, Islamic Relief operates a surge roster with staff ready to leave at a moment’s notice. A rotation of 40 team members ensures a year-round rapid response, reaching communities affected by floods, earthquakes and cyclones within 72 hours of disaster striking. To build capacity, team members [...]
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Mushrooms boost business for women in Indonesia
Widows in the country’s most deprived region launch life-changing street food ventures. Islamic Relief has trained widows in West Lombok (Lombok Barat) to grow and sell oyster mushrooms in street food snacks, from mushroom crisps to satay, and pudding to ice cream. Many of the women did not finish primary school and have struggled to [...]
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Universal Children’s Day: We’re celebrating all around the world
From Mali to Gaza, and Afghanistan to India, children are taking centre stage. As well as throwing celebrations this weekend Islamic Relief offices around the world are using Universal Children’s Day (on November 20) to highlight children’s rights. In Gaza, hundreds of children have taken part in events, creating handprints carrying messages about their need [...]
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The gift of a smile for children in Jordan
A healthcare programme has provided under-10s with life-changing cleft palate surgery. The project in Jordan is part of the £945,000 (€1.1 million) emergency healthcare programme reaching out to Jordanians and Syrian refugees. Working with Palestine Children’s Relief Fund (PCRF) Islamic Relief has provided specialist surgical interventions for 13 children, from three months to 10 years [...]
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Millions in Malawi go hungry following poor harvests
More than 6 million people in Malawi need humanitarian aid following the effects of El Nino. Reduced rainfall and above average temperatures in Malawi have left 40% of the country hungry. Female subsistence farmers are most vulnerable as they don’t always have access to land or equipment. Meliya Beka is one of 9,080 people in [...]
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