Category Archives: Malaysia
The thought about new year is always associated with new moves, new steps, and new approaches in making the days to come more meaningful with more goals. In a more general sense, new year means we are to set up a list of aspirations to be materialised. Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM), as an international […]
Kelana Jaya, 23 Feb 2019 – 70 beneficiaries at Lovely Nursing Center, Kelana Jaya, Selangor, and Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) through the Share the Joy program. The program, which became the annual event of the IRM, gathers all beneficiaries from various backgrounds to experience the festivities of the Chinese New Year celebration. IRM’s […]
Kinarut, 11 Feb 2019 – 90 beneficiaries Sri Pritchard Elderly Home, Kinarut, Sabah assisted by Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) in conjunction with the Chinese New Year. The main focus of the program was to create a harmonious atmosphere as well as to share the excitement with the residents so that they would not be […]
Kekurangan kadangkala bukan penghalang. Kecacatan kekal yang dialami sejak lahir tidak pernah sekali-kali menjadi tembok penghalang untuk Syamberli, 51 tahun meneruskan kelangsungan hidup atas daya usaha sendiri. Dia juga tidak pernah membiarkan dirinya terus dipandang lemah oleh masyarakat meski langkah kakinya tidak selincah insan normal lain. Anak kelahiran jati Pidi, Indonesia ini sememangnya terlatih […]