Over 500 Killed in Syria

Eastern Ghouta, 2 Mar 2018 – At least 560 civilians were killed in Eastern Ghouta, Syria. The humanitarian situation across Syria continues to deteriorate with heavy military actions in various parts of the country particularly in Eastern Ghouta, Idleb, and Afrin. While heavy bombardment and airstrikes continue in Eastern Ghouta, over 393,000 civilians are recorded […]

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Over 400 Died in Airstrikes | Ghouta, Syria
Eastern Ghouta, 24 February 2018 – At least 428 death tolls were recorded and 878 were injured in Eastern Ghouta, Syria. Heavy bombardment in southern and south-eastern rural Idleb has led to casualties and displacement amongst civilians as well as terrible infrastructural damage. Between 15 December 2017 and 3 February 2018, the Camp Coordination and [...]
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News Update | Syria

• Over the last few weeks, a number of military offensives have further worsened the humanitarian situation across Syria • Heavy bombardment in southern and south-eastern rural Idleb has caused casualties and displacement amongst civilians, as well as severe infrastructural damage • Between 15 December and 3 February, the Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) […]

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The Sickening Story of Gaza, Behind The Scene.

“Gaza is not expected to be a liveable place by 2020”, quoted United Nation (UN). But the sad truth is actually fast-forwarded. Islamic Relief Palestine (IRP) Country Director, Muneeb Abu Al-Ghazali claimed that Gaza is already a place that is not liveable. In Gaza, water is highly polluted with salinity, debris are dumped raw into […]

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Calamity in Gaza continues to prolong

Years of blockade and political conflict have crushed economic development and continue to increase poverty in Gaza. Initially, the conflict of Gaza can be dated back decades ago where there were clashes between Palestinians and Israelis. The depressing issue took place as a result of both parties that continuously fight with each other against the […]

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