Islamic Relief heartbroken and appalled at killing of Mohammad Bhar
Islamic Relief is utterly heartbroken to confirm that Mohammad Bhar, the young man in Gaza with Down’s syndrome and autism who was mauled to death by an Israeli military dog, was part of Islamic Relief’s orphan sponsorship programme.   We are appalled at the horrific nature of Mohammed’s killing, which is shocking even amidst the daily [...]
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New spread of fighting to southeast Sudan increases threat of famine, Islamic Relief warns
Tens of thousands of people are fleeing new fighting in southeast Sudan, as the war spreads further across the country, with civilians running out of anywhere safe to go. The new clashes in Sennar State – one of Sudan’s biggest agricultural regions – are increasing the risk of famine across the country and putting a [...]
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Another shameful milestone in Gaza as 100,000 people killed or wounded
The massacre in Gaza has passed another shameful milestone, with more than 100,000 Palestinians now killed or wounded since 7 October 1 – as civilians are attacked at a faster rate than during any conflict this century, in full view of the international community. Ongoing Israeli attacks together with starvation and disease outbreaks mean this deadly [...]
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2 weeks since ICJ ruling, conditions in Gaza are getting even worse
Two weeks since the International Court of Justice (ICJ) ruling, the situation for civilians in Gaza has become even worse, Islamic Relief says.   Israel is now intensifying its bombing in Rafah – the most crowded part of Gaza, where more than half the population is now sheltering in appalling conditions – and a ground assault [...]
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1 in 25 people in Gaza are now injured or killed
Around 1 in every 25 Palestinians in Gaza are now injured or dead, Islamic Relief says as Israel’s bombardment continues unabated. The latest figures show around 89,000 casualties with more than 25,000 people killed and over 63,000 people injured – with many suffering life-changing injuries such as loss of limbs. Most of the casualties are [...]
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Hundreds of thousands of people flee intense fighting in Sudan’s Wad Madani
Islamic Relief forced to suspend vital programmes and evacuate staff  Around 300,000 people have fled the city of Wad Madani in central Sudan as fighting rages in and around the city, and desperate civilians are running out of safe places to go.   Five days of heavy fighting has forced Islamic Relief and many other [...]
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