Islamic Relief heartbroken and appalled at killing of Mohammad Bhar
Islamic Relief is utterly heartbroken to confirm that Mohammad Bhar, the young man in Gaza with Down’s syndrome and autism who was mauled to death by an Israeli military dog, was part of Islamic Relief’s orphan sponsorship programme.   We are appalled at the horrific nature of Mohammed’s killing, which is shocking even amidst the daily [...]
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Memperkukuh peranan kemanusiaan, sumbangan Islamic Relief kepada komuniti dunia
Tahun 2024 menandakan satu pencapaian penting bagi keluarga besar Islamic Relief Worldwide (Islamic Relief) apabila organisasi ini meraikan ulang tahun ke-40 penubuhannya pada 17 Januari. Islamic Relief diasaskan oleh Dr. Hany El-Banna bersama sekumpulan mahasiswa perubatan University of Birmingham, UK pada tahun 1984 sebagai tindak balas terhadap isu kebuluran di Afrika Timur ketika itu. Hari [...]
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Thank you for your generosity in making an impact to more than 16.8 million in 39 countries
Islamic Relief’s latest Annual Report, published today, shows continued growth in our positive impact as we tackle poverty and suffering in an increasingly turbulent world. In 2023, the report shows, Islamic Relief responded to more large-scale humanitarian crises than ever before. Conflict, natural disasters and extreme weather events devastated lives in many of the communities [...]
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An entire generation at risk, as new report shows catastrophic hunger and starvation in Gaza
Israel is systematically starving Palestinians in Gaza, Islamic Relief says as a new IPC* report shows that around half a million people are suffering catastrophic levels of hunger and almost everyone in Gaza is facing acute food shortages.   An entire generation of Palestinian children is at risk, with extreme hunger and malnutrition causing permanent damage [...]
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Perseverance amid adversity: A Syrian family’s story on World Refugee Day
In the face of war and displacement, Syrian refugees have shown remarkable resilience. This World Refugee Day, we share the story of Hana* and her family, who have navigated the challenges of displacement with strength and courage.  Leaving everything behind  Hana was once a thriving shop owner in the city of Aleppo. Her life was [...]
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IR Malaysia, AKM Pejabat Perdana Menteri Jalin Kerjasama Membina Pemimpin Muda
Dalam usaha untuk membina negara bangsa dalam kalangan belia berkepimpinan, Islamic Relief Malaysia (IR Malaysia) sekali lagi diberi kepercayaan untuk bekerjasama dengan Akademi Kenegaraan Malaysia (AKM), Pejabat Perdana Menteri bagi mengendalikan modul latihan Volunteer Aspiration & Social Thinking (VAST) buat kali ketiga di dalam program Malaysian Future Leaders School (MFLS) Tier 3 yang dijalankan pada [...]
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