“A day feels like a year”: Fatima faces dire conditions in Ali camp in northern Syria

Fatima lives with her children in Ali camp, in northern Syria. She lost everything when her village was bombed during the airstrikes. Fleeing to a nearby olive grove, the family hid, surviving by lying down on the ground. “Our big, beautiful house was turned into rubble,” she recalls. “We heard the planes coming. Even now, […]

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Umm Faisal lost her family and now lives in a warzone during a pandemic

Umm Faisal has suffered repeated tragedy and trauma since the war in Syria began a decade ago. Both of her sons were killed when their village was bombed. One died from injuries caused by shrapnel, the other was killed while he was working. The house was completely destroyed and Umm Faisal only survived because she […]

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A medic on the frontline of Syria’s coronavirus battle speaks out

Dr Ihsan is a cardiologist working in a hospital in northern Syria. Like many hospitals in Syria, there are no facilities for Covid-19 patients at the hospital where he works. Many medical centres in the area lack the vital equipment, such as x-ray machines, CT scanners, and laboratories needed to treat patients with Covid-19. Dr […]

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A decade of crisis in Syria leaves millions of people suffering like never before

This week marks 10 desperate years since the beginning of the devastating crisis in Syria. Over 11.1 million people in Syria, and millions of others who have fled the country, need humanitarian assistance. Since the crisis began in March 2011, the Syrian people have faced unthinkable levels of hardship and loss. Recurrent rounds of violence […]

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Raising children in crisis zone: a Syrian grandfather’s fight to keep his grandchildren safe

Mohamed, his two daughters and their children have rarely been far from danger in northern Syria, which is now marking a decade of crisis and suffering. Displaced multiple times, Mohamed currently lives in a camp in northern Syria with his five grandchildren, who lost their fathers during an airstrike. “Our homes were completely destroyed and […]

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“Women and girls are capable of extraordinary things”

This International Women’s Day 2021, we’re putting the spotlight on the exceptional women in our organisation. These women are driving real change for Islamic Relief and the communities that we serve. Here we hear from Arwa Kawan, a community fundraising officer for Islamic Relief UK. I am currently the only female community fundraiser for Islamic […]

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