After distributing Iftar packages during the Holy month of Ramadhan in different districts across the country, Islamic Relief Malawi has donated food relief items to 750 households in Chikwawa district in the area of Sub-Traditional Authority Ndakwera.
Speaking with Malawi Muslims official Website, Islamic Relief Head of Programs Sheirfa Mia said this is the response towards the drought that has affected many parts of the country.
“We have decided to come and distribute the relief items to the families who are in need of food and we are giving them a package which contains 40kgs Maize flour, 5kgs beans, 1kg salt and 1 litre of cooking oil,” said Mia
The donation which was funded by Islamic Relief Malaysia had a total budget of 20,000 Euros which is equivalent to 15.6 Million kwacha and the organization has promised more support to the poor families in the country.
Here you are! one of the aged women getting her share from one of the Islamic Relief Malawi officials
“A lot of people in the country need more support in terms of food as you know that the country is in hunger crisis following the drought and we want to assure people that we will continue assisting them if we continue receiving funds from our donors and we will try to use that funds for the intended purposes to serve the lives of many people,” said the Head of Programs.
Sherifa Mia during the case study in Chikwawa district
Asked why they decided to distribute the relief items in the Lower Shire among all the districts she said; “Its because 90% of rural communities in Chikwawa need food aid compared to the average of 50% for the Southern region, Its Chikwawa and Nsanje whose figures are at 90% and we chose Chikwawa just because Islamic Relief Malawi is currently implementing a food security project to complement with our development works.”
Source : http://www.malawimuslims.com/featured/islamic-reli…