Niger Floods, 4,505 Need Urgent Aid

NIGER, 8 August 2020 – At least 4,505 people in Dosso and Tillabery need urgent humanitarian assistance as Niger was affected by flash flooding since 2nd August. Meanwhile, 420 houses have been reportedly collapsed and 530 hectares of cropland have been destroyed. The urgent needs were identified as food, non-food items (NFI), and health kits […]

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Angka Korban Insiden Letupan di Beirut Dijangka Meningkat
BEIRUT, 5 Ogos 2020 – Lebih 70 orang terkorban manakala hampir 4,000 lagi cedera dalam insiden letupan yang berlaku di pelabuhan Beirut, Lubnan semalam. Angka ini dijangka akan terus meningkat memandangkan proses mencari dan menyelamat masih dijalankan. Banyak bangunan dilaporkan musnah dengan keadaan tingkap berkecai dan siling runtuh. Gudang penyimpanan ubat-ubatan sakit kronik, kontena, lapangan [...]
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Islamic Relief Malaysia laksana Qurban Sabah patuh SOP
SABAH, 1 Ogos – Islamic Relief Malaysia dengan kerjasama Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sabah (JHEAINS) dan Majlis Keselamatan Negara (MKN) telah melaksanakan program Qurban Sabah pada 31 Julai dan 1 Ogos sempena Hari Raya Aidiladha. Sebanyak 48 buah keluarga di Kampung Selamat, Semporna dan 116 buah keluarga di Kampung Meninipir, Keningau telah menerima [...]
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Lebanon’s Crisis Just Keeps Getting Worse

Lebanon, 30 July 2020 – Lebanon is entering the second wave of COVID-19 situations with the number of new cases is increasing every day since the pandemic started.  The number has been increased to 140-180 new cases per day. The Government of Lebanon has reactivated lock down period until 10 August. The economic situation continues […]

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Heavy downpour wreaking major deluge across Bangladesh.
BANGLADESH, 30 July – Heavy downpour and severe floods have claimed the lives of more than 100 people meanwhile thousands have fallen victim to water-borne diseases across Bangladesh. Torrential rains coupled with rising water levels in the three major river basins have led to severe deluge across 22 flood-prone districts thus recorded the north, north-eastern [...]
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