Heavy downpour wreaking major deluge across Bangladesh.
BANGLADESH, 30 July – Heavy downpour and severe floods have claimed the lives of more than 100 people meanwhile thousands have fallen victim to water-borne diseases across Bangladesh. Torrential rains coupled with rising water levels in the three major river basins have led to severe deluge across 22 flood-prone districts thus recorded the north, north-eastern [...]
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“Kami tersepit dalam kemiskinan, apa pilihan yang kami ada?”
Kesempitan hidup antara punca sesetengah individu dengan secara paksa rela membenarkan diri mereka untuk diperdagangkan. Sementara itu, terdapat jutaan penduduk miskin di Asia Selatan dan di kebanyakan negara miskin lain terperangkap menjadi buruh paksa yang juga terikat dengan masalah perhambaan hutang. Pemerdagangan manusia, buruh paksa dan buruh kanak-kanak merupakan industri jenayah yang paling cepat berkembang [...]
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Inter-Communal Violence Worsens Humanitarian Situation in Mali
MALI, 24th July 2020 – A total of 6,930 people have been forced to flee their settlement due to inter-communal conflict worsens in Mali. Almost all the displaced people are currently living in plastic huts or makeshifts shelters in Gourma Rharous, northern Mali. Based on rapid needs assessment, the urgent needs identified are shelters, food and [...]
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Mali Civilian Displacement Increased
MALI, 25th June 2020 – More than 1,400 people have been forced to flee their settlement and staying in makeshift shelters or with the host community due to conflict in Mali. During the rainy season, the temporary shelters are proving inadequate. All the families had to leave all their possessions, including food livestock and material [...]
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Flash Flood Hit Northwest Syria
SYRIA, 19th June 2020 – At least 1,285 families have lost their shelters while 1,000 families having experienced partial damage to their tents due to heavy rain which caused flash floods in northwest Syria. More than 3,174 families in 54 camps affected in Idlib. The urgent needs of humanitarian assistance are particularly shelters, non-food items [...]
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Major thunderstorm engulf Northwest Syria

SYRIA, 19 June 2020 – The downpours and strong winds triggered flash floods that hit many areas including displacement camps in Northwest Syria, affected 54 camps inhabited by more than 3,174 families. At least 1,285 families have lost their shelters with at least a further 1,000 families having experienced partial damage to their tents. Currently, repair […]

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