IRM Terima Kunjungan Hormat
Kajang, 17 Julai 2019 - Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) menerima kunjungan hormat dari delegasi Kementerian Luar Negeri (KLN) bersama wakil khas Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB) atau lebih dikenali sebagai “The UN special rapporteur to Myanmar”, Yanghee Lee ke Refugee Intellectual Skills & Excellence (RISE) di Kajang, Selangor. Kunjungan khas itu diadakan bertujuan untuk melihat serta [...]
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Gempa Bumi 7.2 Skala Ritcher Gegar Maluku

Maluku, 15 Julai 2019 – Satu gempa bumi berukuran 7.2 magnitud mengegarkan Kepulauan Maluku, Indonesia pada petang Ahad lalu.Walaubagaimanapun, pihak berkuasa tempatan telah mengesahkan tiada ancaman tsunami ekoran gempa tersebut. Dilaporkan dua orang maut, manakala banyak infrastruktur termasuk rumah serta bangunan-bangunan musnah akibat bencana itu. Kebanyakan penduduk melarikan diri ke kawasan yang lebih tinggi sebagai […]

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64 Maut Hujan Monsun di Nepal
Kathamandu, 16 Julai 2019- Bencana banjir yang melanda Nepal akibat hujan monsun meragut sekurang-kurangnya 64 nyawa, manakala 32 orang mengalami kecederaan dan sekurang-kurangnya 31 orang hilang setakat 15 Julai 2019.  Dilaporkan 33,113 penduduk terkesan dan 3,186 buah keluarga telah dipindahkan. Amaran peringkat kuning telah dikeluarkan untuk limpahan sungai di Sungai Kamala di penempatan Titriya dan [...]
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Ramadan Relief Helps 15,700 Beneficiaries
Bangi, 24 May 2019 - Yemen's four-year conflict sparked the world's worst humanitarian crisis involving 24 million people, two-thirds of the country's population being threatened with famine and epidemics. As developed countries are exposed to extreme food waste, the United Nations (UN) reports that a total of 821 million people worldwide has food shortages. There [...]
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Syria’s Never Ending Conflict Continues To Impact Civilians,  Number Of Displacements Rises
Idlib, 30 May 2019 – The never-ending conflict in Northwest Syria continues  to impact civilians, infrastructure and humanitarian aid provision resulting in the  number of displacements from Northern Hama and Southern Idlib to increase to 307,434. As of May 29, the recent  escalation of violence in Northwest Syria resulted in more than  200 civilians, including [...]
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Fighting against All Odds

There’s a proverb that says strike the iron while it’s hot. Apart from parents, teachers are also responsible in shaping the behaviour of children at early stage of life. Fundamentally, the public recognises that teachers play a role to deliver knowledge in educating and helping the students to unleash their potential. Nevertheless, we should understand […]

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