The Ramadan Programme is implemented by Islamic Relief through food distribution activities during the month of Ramadan. Muslims from around the world donate money which is used to procure essential food items which are then divided into packs. These packs are then distributed to needy people in some of the poorest regions of the world on behalf of the donors.

Ramadan Care4Hunger 1440H (International)

Seasonal Programme


The Ramadan Programme is implemented by Islamic Relief through food distribution activities during the month of Ramadan. Muslims from around the world donate money which is used to procure essential food items which are then divided into packs. These packs are then distributed to needy people in some of the poorest regions of the world on behalf of the donors.


KEMPEN SEDEKAH #10MalamTerakhir

Kempen Ramadan Care4Hunger bakal melabuhkan tirai tidak lama lagi & alhamdulillah kita sudah menghampiri sasaran dana sebanyak RM800,000. Terima kasih rakyat Malaysia, anda berjaya membantu lebih 15,000 penerima manfaat di 33 buah negara di bulan Ramadan ini yang mulia ini.

Namun, pahala Ramadan usah dibiar berlalu pergi begitu sahaja. Atas dasar keprihatinan, IRM ingin menyeru orang ramai yang tidak putus-putus berkongsi rezeki pada bulan barakah ini untuk terus bersedekah menerusi kempen Sedekah #10MalamTerakhir. 

Bayangkan, dengan menyumbang serendah RM10, RM20, RM50, RM100 atau lain-lain amaun mengikut kemampuan, pahala anda akan mengalir berlipat kali ganda.

Terus ikuti media sosial IRM untuk perkembangan lanjut. 



  • Providing nutritious food pack as an effort to alleviate malnutrition amongst the poor and needy communities.
  • Fostering the development of sustainable caring communities by raising awareness, facilitating strategic humanitarian partnerships and encouraging practical actions via their support to this project, all for the benefit of the beneficiaries.


33 Countries:

♦Pakej A [RM150] – Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Sudan, Chechnya, India, Malawi, Myanmar, Niger, Tunisia, Albania, Bosnia, Mali, Chad, Lebanon, Philippines, Kosova, Kenya, Jordan, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Indonesia

♦Pakej B [RM300] – Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, South Africa, Iraq, Macedonia, South Sudan, Somalia, Lesotho, Zimbabwe



3140 Food packs & RM721,500



RM 150


RM 300