Category Archives: Maklumat Umum
GAZA, 17 Januari 2024 – Angka korban di Gaza terus meningkat kepada 24,285 orang, manakala 61,154 lagi cedera. Jumlah itu antaranya membabitkan 10,440 kanak-kanak, 118 wartawan, 337 petugas perubatan dan 45 kakitangan unit pertahanan awam Gaza. Lebih 7,000 penduduk dilaporkan hilang, dan 70 peratus daripadanya dari kalangan kanak-kanak serta wanita. Menurut Agensi Kerja dan Bantuan [...]
Sri Lanka, 10 Januari 2024 – Lebih 11,000 keluarga dari 12 daerah di Sri Lanka terjejas akibat hujan lebat dan banjir, menurut Pusat Pengurusan Bencana (DMC) negara itu. Kawasan Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu, Mannar, Ampara, Batticaloa, Trincomalee dan Puttalam antara yang paling teruk terjejas. Islamic Relief Sri Lanka sedang merangka pelan bantuan melibatkan agihan pek makanan dan [...]
As the official death toll in Gaza passes 20,000, Islamic Relief is warning that the actual toll is likely to be even higher – as thousands of people are still missing and buried under the rubble and young children are increasingly suffering severe hunger and disease. To see 20,000 people killed in such a short [...]
As Gaza’s displaced families suffer from a drop in temperatures, an Islamic Relief aid worker* describes biting shortages and a December unlike any other. It’s been almost 8 days since the last time I shared our story with you. We have been disconnected from the internet and our phones this whole time. It’s been like [...]
As we observe International Day of Persons with Disabilities, Islamic Relief is proud to highlight some of the remarkable individuals with disabilities who are building a more inclusive society. Among them is Fatoumata, a determined Malian woman. Fatoumata lives in the village of Magnambougou, in southwestern Mali. At 47 she has the busy life of [...]
As world leaders meet at COP28, Islamic Relief says the summit must finally deliver an unequivocal agreement to phase out the use of fossil fuels and limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. This year has been the planet’s hottest year on record and climate change is plunging billions of people all over the world into [...]