Two years on from Turkiye-Syria earthquakes, survivors are still in camps and need support
Two years on from the deadly Turkiye-Syria earthquakes, thousands of survivors are still languishing in harsh conditions in camps in northwest Syria, where they struggle to get enough food, water, healthcare or earn an income. The 7.8 magnitude earthquakes, which struck on 6 February 2023, were the worst to hit the region in over a [...]
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Islamic Relief reaction to the announcement of a temporary cessation in Gaza
News of an agreement between Hamas and Israel is a rare moment of hope after more than 15 months of unprecedented and relentless atrocities – but the big test will be what happens next, whether it is adhered to, and whether a temporary pause becomes permanent. Lasting peace will not be possible without an end to [...]
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Ribuan orang hilang tempat tinggal di Sudan
KHARTOUM, 8 Jan – Konflik berterusan antara Angkatan Tentera Sudan (SAF) dan Pasukan Sokongan Pantas (RSF) telah menyebabkan ribuan keluarga kehilangan tempat tinggal, sekali gus memburukkan lagi krisis kemanusiaan di negara itu. Kira-kira 3,150 keluarga telah dipindahkan dari Kutum dan Um Baru, Utara Darfur, antara 23 hingga 25 Disember 2024. Dalam perkembangan positif, konvoi 28 [...]
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Indian Ocean tsunami 20 years on: The destruction was “like a nuclear weapon” but communities have bounced back
20 years since the Indian Ocean tsunami – one of the worst natural disasters in history, which killed around 230,000 people in 14 countries and caused billions of dollars of damage – Islamic Relief has been speaking to survivors and aid workers about their experiences. Survivors in Indonesia, where more than 130,000 people died, have [...]
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Syrian returnees facing enormous struggles and in need of support
Syrians hoping to return to their homes face enormous struggles and need more international support to rebuild their country, Islamic Relief says. At this historic moment of opportunity for Syria, many refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) are considering returning home, and thousands of people are now arriving from neighbouring countries every day – but [...]
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Islamic Relief tumpu bantuan kecemasan di utara Syria
SYRIA, 19 Dis - Situasi kemanusiaan di utara Syria semakin meruncing menyebabkan kebanyakan penduduk bergelut untuk memenuhi keperluan asas akibat kenaikan harga barang dan kekurangan bekalan keperluan penting. Sejak November, lebih 880,000 dilaporkan kehilangan tempat tinggal manakala lebih 225,000 pelarian dalam negara (IDPs) kembali ke kediaman masing-masing. Walau bagaimanapun, infrastruktur di kebanyakan kawasan terjejas, rosak [...]
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