Islamic Relief Malaysia komited bantu anak yatim di lebih 25 negara
Islamic Relief Malaysia Komited Bantu Anak Yatim di Lebih 25 Negara Islamic Relief (IR), sebuah organisasi bantuan dan pembangunan kemanusiaan antarabangsa yang tidak asing lagi dalam kalangan masyarakat. Sejak ditubuhkan pada tahun 1984, IR yang beribu pejabat di Birmingham, United Kingdom itu terus berkembang di serata dunia dan kini, IR beroperasi di lebih 45 buah [...]
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Resilience in Chaos: A Humanitarian’s account of braving Sudan’s conflict zones on World Humanitarian Day

Resilience in Chaos: A Humanitarian’s account of braving Sudan’s conflict zones on World Humanitarian Day Mohammad Golam Sorwar, Head of Programmes for Islamic Relief in Sudan, shares his firsthand account of the struggles and triumphs in a nation torn apart by conflict. His story, is a testament to the resilience and dedication of humanitarian workers, […]

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Through the Lens of Humanity

Through the Lens of Humanity As part of World Humanitarian day, videographer and photographer Majdi Samman talks about his experiences travelling to conflict zones and capturing his experiences on camera. Growing up in the conflicted region of the Occupied Palestinian Territories, I’ve been exposed to a world that most people only see through the news. […]

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World Humanitarian Day: Reflecting on Two Decades of Unwavering Commitment

World Humanitarian Day: Reflecting on Two Decades of Unwavering Commitment World Humanitarian Day is a day dedicated to recognising humanitarian personnel and those who have died working for humanitarian causes. Islamic Relief’s Head of Global Advocacy. Shahin Ashraf, talks about why this year’s theme, ‘No Matter Who, No Matter Where, No Matter What’, resonates so […]

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Mulu’s Resilience: A Refugee’s Journey of Hope and Strength

Mulu’s Resilience: A Refugee’s Journey of Hope and Strength As the world joins together to commemorate World Refugee Day, it is crucial to shed light on the experiences of those who have been displaced by conflict and turmoil. In this article, we share the inspiring story of Mulu, a resilient 30-year-old woman from Abderafi, Ethiopia. […]

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MyA, IR Malaysia dan MRA santuni penduduk pedalaman Sabah
PENSIANGAN, 15 Jun 2023 – Seramai 32 orang sukarelawan daripada Pertubuhan MyAmal Sabah, (MyA), Islamic Relief Malaysia (IR Malaysia) dan Malaysian Relief Agency (MRA) telah menyertai program Ziarah Pagalungan bagi menyantuni masyarakat pedalaman Sabah. Program yang diadakan pada 10 hingga 11 Jun 2023 itu mendapat sambutan baik dan menggalakkan daripada penduduk kampung Daerah Kecil Pagalungan [...]
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