Indonesia masih menghadapi cabaran terhadap kekurangan zat makanan kanak-kanak. Sekitar 27.5% atau 6.5 juta kanak-kanak di bawah lima tahun tinggal di bawah pendarahan (Kementerian Kesihatan di, Julai 2017). Sesetengah kanak-kanak yang menderita menderita penyakit malnutrisi yang teruk dengan jangkitan penyakit, sementara sesetengah yang lain mengalami kekurangan zat dan gizi. Baru-baru ini, sehingga 19 Januari 2018, terdapat 68 kanak-kanak yang mati akibat kekurangan gizi yang teruk dengan penyakit campak di Asmat, Papua.
IRM mengakui potensi menyediakan bantuan makanan kepada pelajar miskin di bandar yang mungkin telah mengalami keretakan, terutama mereka yang tinggal di projek perumahan kos rendah melalui Program Makan Sekolah 2019. Inisiatif ini akan menyediakan makanan semasa waktu persekolahan untuk sekurang-kurangnya 135 pelajar yang mempunyai telah dipilih berdasarkan latar belakang keluarga mereka.
Islamic Relief Celebrates Orphans Day with Palestinian
Where do all the donations related to the orphan campaign go?
Where are the donations that we have been contributed to help those in need, always becoming a common question mark that plays in every donors’ mind right?
In Islamic Relief, we are honorably to share every process or any intervention that have been done to help vulnerable people with our donors through our website and social media.
Apart from the individual sponsorship, we are also helping in assistance covering educational purposes, healthcare, food, and non-food items (NFI), shelter, and psychological support. Besides, Islamic Relief also conducts some group activities with orphans.
One of the activities that we have conducted in a mass is a celebration of Orphan Day with Palestinians in 2018 to entertain more than 150 children with the theme of, “My Day: Happy day”.
They were celebrating in a very lively ceremony filled with games, horse riding, and other various events include performances from the orphans itself as a presentation for the audiences.
Those children also receive a gift and hamper. Their smiles, laughter, and happiness are incredibly reflected on their pretty faces because they rarely get the opportunity to participate on such occasions in the time being.