MyYateem Care


MyYateem Care

The orphan crisis is a global challenge that affects millions of children around the world, regardless of their race, religion, or nationality. These children face immense hardships, lacking the love, protection, and support that a stable family environment provides.

There are several challenges in addressing the orphans’ needs. The main challenges include to meet their daily necessities such as food, shelter, and water. Many of them did not receive adequate access to education, at risk of child labour, forced marriage, child trafficking, lack of community and family support, and loss of property and belongings.

Through various programs and activities carried out by Islamic Relief since 1986, these orphans were taken care of to have a better life. Islamic Relief had always striven to give a better future for orphans across the globe. They deserve all the joy and happiness.

At Islamic Relief Malaysia, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of orphaned children. Through our MyYateem Care, we extend our support to orphans in over 25 countries, providing them with food, education, medical care, and helping their families. We strive to ensure that all orphans receive the care and opportunities they need to thrive and succeed.

Every contribution, no matter how big or small, plays a vital role in transforming the lives of orphaned children. Your donation can help provide education, medical care, shelter, and a supportive environment for these vulnerable children.

Together, we can bring hope, joy, and stability into the lives of orphaned children. Join MyYateem Care today and become a catalyst for change. With your support, we can create a nurturing and empowering environment where every child can flourish and build a brighter future. Let us work hand in hand to bring smiles to their faces and transform their lives, one child at a time.

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