Syrian returnees facing enormous struggles and in need of support
Syrians hoping to return to their homes face enormous struggles and need more international support to rebuild their country, Islamic Relief says. At this historic moment of opportunity for Syria, many refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) are considering returning home, and thousands of people are now arriving from neighbouring countries every day – but [...]
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Islamic Relief tumpu bantuan kecemasan di utara Syria
SYRIA, 19 Dis - Situasi kemanusiaan di utara Syria semakin meruncing menyebabkan kebanyakan penduduk bergelut untuk memenuhi keperluan asas akibat kenaikan harga barang dan kekurangan bekalan keperluan penting. Sejak November, lebih 880,000 dilaporkan kehilangan tempat tinggal manakala lebih 225,000 pelarian dalam negara (IDPs) kembali ke kediaman masing-masing. Walau bagaimanapun, infrastruktur di kebanyakan kawasan terjejas, rosak [...]
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From loss to hope: The resilience of Afghanistan’s orphaned children
Afghanistan is home to around 1.6 million orphaned children, many of whom find themselves living on the streets, struggling to find food, shelter and warmth. In a country where poverty is widespread, and more than 85 per cent of the population lives on less than $1 a day, according to the United Nations, becoming an [...]
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Banjir besar di Mali jejaskan 161 kampung
MALI, 12 Dis – Hujan lebat sejak akhir November 2024 telah menyebabkan Sungai Niger melimpah, mengakibatkan banjir di 161 kampung di wilayah Timbuktu dan Mopti. Antara kawasan yang paling teruk terjejas ialah Banikane, Rharous, Séréré, Hamzacoma, Haribomo, Bambara Maoude, dan Diaptodji. Tanah pertanian, sawah padi, dan kediaman penduduk musnah sama sekali, sementara kawasan ladang ternakan [...]
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Islamic Relief stands with the people of Syria
Islamic Relief aid workers are on the ground assessing the huge needs of the population after a momentous and historic week in Syria. This is a moment of hope and uncertainty for many people, and Islamic Relief remains committed to stand alongside the Syrian people and help build a peaceful and prosperous future. Islamic Relief [...]
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From smuggler to shopkeeper: One woman’s journey of hope in Ethiopia
In the West Hararghe region of Ethiopia, life is far from easy. Home to both Oromo and Somali communities, the area is frequently shaken by ethnic tensions and conflict. In 2020, a new wave of violence forced many people to flee their homes, adding to the growing number of internally displaced people. Misra was one [...]
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