Category Archives: Worldwide
Israel’s repeated orders for civilians to move around Gaza are inhumane and causing epic human suffering, Islamic Relief says. Sick and wounded patients, elderly people, malnourished infants and people with severe disabilities are among hundreds of thousands ordered to move yet again in the past 10 days. They have nowhere safe to go, and the [...]
Tens of thousands of people are fleeing new fighting in southeast Sudan, as the war spreads further across the country, with civilians running out of anywhere safe to go. The new clashes in Sennar State – one of Sudan’s biggest agricultural regions – are increasing the risk of famine across the country and putting a [...]
Israel is systematically starving Palestinians in Gaza, Islamic Relief says as a new IPC* report shows that around half a million people are suffering catastrophic levels of hunger and almost everyone in Gaza is facing acute food shortages. An entire generation of Palestinian children is at risk, with extreme hunger and malnutrition causing permanent damage [...]
World Refugee Day: Horn of Africa mothers struggle amid crisis In the Horn of Africa, the confluence of natural disasters and conflict has forced millions from their homes. As Islamic Relief marks World Refugee Day, we turn our attention to the enduring spirit of those who have been displaced. These are the stories of Amina [...]
BARAT LAUT SYRIA, 24 Mei – Hujan lebat dan angin kencang telah menjejaskan Barat Laut Syria terutamanya di wilayah Idlib dan Aleppo sehingga menyebabkan banjir kilat. Banjir ini telah membawa kepada kemusnahan kem-kem pelarian, merosakkan jalan raya dan menenggelamkan tanah pertanian, rumah serta kemudahan perubatan dan pendidikan. Ini menyebabkan berlakunya perpindahan penduduk. Laporan awal menunjukkan bahawa [...]
AFGHANISTAN, 13 Mei – Islamic Relief memulakan langkah tindak balas segera susulan banjir besar yang melanda Afghanistan, sehingga meragut lebih 300 nyawa dengan ramai lagi individu yang masih belum ditemui. Antara wilayah yang terjejas teruk ialah Baghlan, Takhar dan Badakhsan. Pihak berkuasa tempatan telah mengisytiharkan darurat terhadap bencana yang berlaku. Umai Hasan, Pengarah Negara Islamic [...]