Idlib, 28 Feb. 2020 – It is reported that nearly 948,000 people have fled since 1st December following conflict and extreme winter condition.
More than 500,000 from the figure consisting of children meanwhile nearly 200,000 are among the women.
According to Global camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) Cluster, a huge number of the refugees have to live under tree, open spaces, residing under unfinished houses and buildings, and tents.
At least nine students and three teachers have died meanwhile 40 women and one child are injured in the airstrike that have affected 10 schools and kindergarten.
Apart from that, 850 people have been struck by artillery shelling, which has injuring one woman and damaging several tents in IDP camp in Al-Dana, north-west Syria.
One staff member on the ground including his wife and two children were injured.
90 percent of staff members were displaced and living in different location from their family due to security factor.
The continuous aids are still insufficient to support hundreds of thousands especially during the extreme winter weather as temperatures plummet under sub-zero degree.
Many who fled are in urgent need of humanitarian support particularly shelter, food, health, non-food and winterization assistance.
International emergency appeal donations can be channelled via Islamic Relief Malaysia general line at 03-89263434 or click the link http://bit.ly/Save-Syria.