Reminiscing the Sacrifice of Humanitarian Workers
As a call to the World Humanitarian Day in August, the special day was initially recognised to pay tribute to humanitarian workers killed while helping thousands of the world’s most impoverished people caught in some of the deemed riskiest crises on Earth.   One historical fact about the incident dated back in August 19th 2003 [...]
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Humanitarian Situation in Yemen

“Severe food insecurity, cholera outbreak, ongoing conflict, and severe economic decline has caused one of the world’s most catastrophic humanitarian crises.”   Yemen was already the poorest country in the Middle East when the crisis started in March 2015. Three years of continuous war moved towards a serious humanitarian tragedy. Today, more than 22.2 million […]

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Albania Affected by Floods.
Shkodra, 29 Mar 2018 – Melting of fallen snow due to warm winds and gradually increased temperatures have caused extensive floods in the region of Skhodra, Albania. In the last few days, continuous rainfall combined with an increase in discharge from hydro power plants have worsened the flooding situation. The levels of the Drini and [...]
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World Water Day 2018

22nd March 2018 is a “World Water Day”. The campaign holds an objective to create awareness about the significance of water in our daily life. This event was initially celebrated in 1993 by United Nation (UN). Below are the effects if sources of water are not well maintained: ✅Drought ✅Flood ✅Landslide ✅Affecting agricultural activities ✅Interfering […]

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News Update – East Africa Crisis
What is happening in South Sudan and the Horn of Africa? Right now 20 million people are facing devastating food and water shortages due to sustained drought and conflict in East Africa. In the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya), where successive rainy seasons have failed, it is feared drought will turn into famine. [...]
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Increasing aid to displaced Syrians after need escalates

Around 40,000 of these have come from Aleppo city, in north-west Syria, following the escalating government assault earlier this year. Islamic Relief is providing emergency aid to those who are now living on the Turkish border with no shelter and little food. Islamic Relief has been distributing items for winter warmth in parts of Syria, […]

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