Indonesia masih menghadapi cabaran terhadap kekurangan zat makanan kanak-kanak. Sekitar 27.5% atau 6.5 juta kanak-kanak di bawah lima tahun tinggal di bawah pendarahan (Kementerian Kesihatan di, Julai 2017). Sesetengah kanak-kanak yang menderita menderita penyakit malnutrisi yang teruk dengan jangkitan penyakit, sementara sesetengah yang lain mengalami kekurangan zat dan gizi. Baru-baru ini, sehingga 19 Januari 2018, terdapat 68 kanak-kanak yang mati akibat kekurangan gizi yang teruk dengan penyakit campak di Asmat, Papua.

IRM mengakui potensi menyediakan bantuan makanan kepada pelajar miskin di bandar yang mungkin telah mengalami keretakan, terutama mereka yang tinggal di projek perumahan kos rendah melalui Program Makan Sekolah 2019. Inisiatif ini akan menyediakan makanan semasa waktu persekolahan untuk sekurang-kurangnya 135 pelajar yang mempunyai telah dipilih berdasarkan latar belakang keluarga mereka.

The story of an orphan aspired to be a doctor

Since its inception in 1986, Islamic Relief Al Yateem Sponsorship Programme has rekindled hope and future for the orphans from more than 20 countries including Palestine, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Somalia, Yemen, and Indonesia. 

This initiative was carried out to help the orphans to get food supply, protection, healthcare, education as well as moral support, especially for the children who have unpleasant memories of seeing their parents died in an armed conflict or disaster. 

Hadeel is an orphan who received the sponsorship from Islamic Relief Palestine. She is a benevolent child who respects and honours for the elderly and liked fondly by her friends. She is also very diligent in helping her mother doing the house chores.  

Hadeel’s father has died in 2012. Currently, she lives with her mother and four other siblings in a low-cost apartment in Gaza, Palestine. 

Hadeel comes from an indigent family, let alone after her father’s death. They do not possess any crop or livestock as sources of income. Howbeit, the situation does not impede her to be ambitious and succeed in her studies.

“Hadeel is in her ninth grade. Her academic achievement is not only impressive but commendable. She likes to learn, read, and go to school even though she has to walk for 30 minutes every day.

“When Hadeel grows up, she aspiring to become a doctor. Her teacher informed that she is a bright student and it is easy for her to grasp every knowledge taught in class, especially English subject,” said Mohammed Abu Sal, Islamic Relief Palestine personnel. 

Hadeel is among thousands of orphans in Palestine who craves for support and attention from us. No value is too small, your contributions mean a lot to Hadeel and her friends.

“Million thanks to all who have contributed and helped my family. I am very grateful for every donation, attention, and affection you have given,” said Hadeel.