NIGER, 8 August 2020 – At least 4,505 people in Dosso and Tillabery need urgent humanitarian assistance as Niger was affected by flash flooding since 2nd August. Meanwhile, 420 houses have been reportedly collapsed and 530 hectares of cropland have been destroyed. The urgent needs were identified as food, non-food items (NFI), and health kits […]
Category Archives: Worldwide
August 8th, 2020
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August 7th, 2020
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BEIRUT, 7 August 2020 – The death toll of an explosion in Beirut has risen to 154 people including children while more than 5,000 people were injured. According to the Minister of Public Health, 120 critical patients who were injured by shattered glass need immediate surgeries. More than 1.5 million people have been affected in [...]
August 5th, 2020
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BEIRUT, 5 Ogos 2020 – Lebih 70 orang terkorban manakala hampir 4,000 lagi cedera dalam insiden letupan yang berlaku di pelabuhan Beirut, Lubnan semalam. Angka ini dijangka akan terus meningkat memandangkan proses mencari dan menyelamat masih dijalankan. Banyak bangunan dilaporkan musnah dengan keadaan tingkap berkecai dan siling runtuh. Gudang penyimpanan ubat-ubatan sakit kronik, kontena, lapangan [...]
July 30th, 2020
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Lebanon, 30 July 2020 – Lebanon is entering the second wave of COVID-19 situations with the number of new cases is increasing every day since the pandemic started. The number has been increased to 140-180 new cases per day. The Government of Lebanon has reactivated lock down period until 10 August. The economic situation continues […]
July 30th, 2020
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BANGLADESH, 30 July – Heavy downpour and severe floods have claimed the lives of more than 100 people meanwhile thousands have fallen victim to water-borne diseases across Bangladesh. Torrential rains coupled with rising water levels in the three major river basins have led to severe deluge across 22 flood-prone districts thus recorded the north, north-eastern [...]
July 30th, 2020
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Kesempitan hidup antara punca sesetengah individu dengan secara paksa rela membenarkan diri mereka untuk diperdagangkan. Sementara itu, terdapat jutaan penduduk miskin di Asia Selatan dan di kebanyakan negara miskin lain terperangkap menjadi buruh paksa yang juga terikat dengan masalah perhambaan hutang. Pemerdagangan manusia, buruh paksa dan buruh kanak-kanak merupakan industri jenayah yang paling cepat berkembang [...]