1St of May is an official Labour Day. However, humanitarian work knows no time limit. Across the sea and across the nation, there are world issues that should be taken into account, especially for non-government bodies to act upon knowing the problem. As an international humanitarian organisation, Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) has always been on top of the others to mitigate poverty. In simple words, IRM is always committed to offer help in any form.
IRM believes in ‘Mujahadah’, a term implemented by the most respectable leader or Chief Executive Officer of IRM, Zairulshahfuddin Zainal Abidin in which everyone sacrifices their own time and skills as to help the people in need. At IRM, the word sacrifice alone shows the truest meaning of work habit to emphasise the strength everybody has in it. And most notably, this is shown by implementing a lot of projects and programmes as a way to be actively helping the people.
With over 40 offices in the world, Islamic Relief will continue to provide emergency aids, carrying out long-term development, and strive towards a better impact. In Malaysia for instance, Community Development is one of the projects run by the organisation in the which the objectives may carry several main sectors; Shelter, Sustainable Livelihood, and Education. To date, IRM has reached and gone out to every state in Malaysia in search of the needy to help them. Among the projects are Wakaf Mata Hati, Community Development Bukit Raja, Klang, and Community Development Orang Asli Village.
Being an international organisation, IRM also works on several projects outside the nation to show its care towards the world. We believe that help should be offered at all types of people regardless of the skin colour and backgrounds. Some of the projects managed by IRM are Water Supply for Malawi which aims to improve health and hygiene levels of vulnerable communities affected by floods. Besides, IRM is also striving on helping children through Saving Life of Malnourished Children in Serang City Banten Province, Indonesia who suffer acute malnourishment.
On another note, as an influental Islamic organisation, IRM has always prepared a number of seasonal programmes which include Ramadan Relief. In March, IRM has taken a major step to promote Ramadan Relief through a campaign namely #SalamRamadan Campaign 1439H to provide basic food aid to beneficiaries in the holy month. This year, IRM targets to distribute more than 20,000 food packs which will be impactful for 30,000 beneficiaries in more than 30 countries across the world.
Humanitarian work is never-ending, which is why non-government office like Islamic Relief will never stop becoming the middle point between the public and beneficiaries as in line with the prime vision of IRM, to envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled and people respond as one to the suffering of others.