The Syria crisis has reached its fifth anniversary. A conflict which many thought would stay within the confines of the region has had an impact all over the world leading to the biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War. Islamic Relief has provided over £130 million worth of aid and assisted 6.5 million Syrians since the conflict began.
Millions of Syrians have been displaced and lost their homes and livelihoods, with many making the dangerous and often life threatening journey to Europe. Those who have chosen to stay in Syria are amongst an entire generation of five-year-olds that have known nothing but war.
(Click on picture to download report)
We are running or supporting camps and providing livelihood programmes, education psychological and social support for refugees in Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq. In Europe our teams are assisting Syrian refugees in Greece, Italy, Macedonia and Germany.
Our operation inside Syria is difficult and dangerous and we have faced many challenges over the last five years. Our staff and volunteers have suffered a lot, with some killed or seriously injured in the line of duty as they deliver aid.
This report looks at our work in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq over the past five years, as well our plans for the future and the challenges that we face.