Chikwawa, 14 Feb 2019 – More than 4,700 households in the Chikwawa District were reportedly affected by floods stemming from heavy rain last month.
Out of that number, 2,845 households in different camps in District District were forced to move.
Some building structures are used as shelters while lack of water, sanitation, and health facilities that are not user-friendly with disabilities.
A school that houses 704 students is also impressed with the flood while four schools are being used as shelters as well as affecting the learning process.
Critical urgency requirements involving food and non-food items (NFIs) such as blankets, water, buckets, chlorine for water purification, mosquito nets, and tents to reduce their burden.
Following the incident, Islamic Relief (IR) Malawi intends to provide food and NFI to 1,000 families in Makhuwira where IR Malawi is implementing food safety projects.
Now, IR Malawi needs £ 50,000 to mobilize the first phase of humanitarian work involving food distribution and NFI.