MALI, 25 September 2020 – A total of 5,662 people have been forced to flee their homes due to an attack done by Barkhane in Benzena, Malaki, Talawat, in the community of Inadiafatane, Ghourma Rharous at the end of the last August. Meanwhile, an attack in Tinbamagueye, Issetane, and Azalamzalem happened in September.
Conflicts that occur between the armed groups have killed some people and arrested community elders.
Islamic Relief staffs have started to mobilize the affected areas to identify the emergency needs since 15 September.
Based on the rapid needs assessment, the urgent needs identified are shelters, food, water, sanitation & hygiene kit (WASH), and non-food item (NFI).
This aid also become one of the solutions to avoid any transmission of the COVID-19.