In Gaza we pray for a permanent ceasefire, right now
Amid an unprecedented escalation, an Islamic Relief worker* in Gaza describes the rollercoaster of despair and hope as a temporary truce is announced. We are now in the 48th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, and the situation is getting worse every day. Yes, they are now talking about a temporary humanitarian pause, but I [...]
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Islamic Relief reaction to news of a temporary truce agreement between Israel and Hamas
We welcome the news that there will be a pause in the relentless bombardment of Gaza and the safe release of civilian hostages and detained children. We hope that this will be adhered to by all parties.  But a temporary pause will not be enough to end the bloodshed and address the humanitarian catastrophe. A [...]
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The bombardment of Gaza’s hospitals must stop immediately
The bombardment of Gaza’s hospitals must stop immediately  The attacks on Gaza’s few remaining hospitals must stop immediately, Islamic Relief says, as more hospitals have been bombed and besieged overnight, putting thousands of lives at risk. It can never be morally justifiable to attack hospitals that are full of casualties and frightened civilians, and international [...]
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Following reports that an initial 20 trucks of aid may be allowed into Gaza in the coming days, Islamic Relief says:
It’s vital that aid gets in but 20 trucks of aid is nowhere near enough. Much more is needed and time is running out to prevent this humanitarian nightmare deepening still further. The scale of destruction in Gaza is enormous. Hospitals have closed and those that are still running are having to choose who to operate [...]
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“Saya rasa kali ini kami tak dapat bertahan..”
“Saya rasa kali ni kami tak dapat bertahan..” Dalam kekalutan menghadapi situasi yang dahsyat dan menggerunkan, Gaza terus diberi tekanan apabila dikenakan sekatan penuh termasuk diputuskan bekalan air dan elektrik. Seorang kakitangan Islamic Relief di Gaza yang dirahsiakan identitinya menceritakan mengenai pengalaman yang dilaluinya dan berkongsi kesan sekatan terhadap orang awam. “Serangan yang berlaku sangat [...]
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Gempa bumi kuat ragut ratusan nyawa di Maghribi
Islamic Relief memperingati dan berdoa untuk rakyat Maghribi yang terkesan akibat dilanda gempa bumi yang kuat dalam tempoh beberapa tahun. Gempa bumi bermagnitud 6.8 itu berlaku pada jam 11.11 malam, 8 September dan telah meragut lebih 2,000 nyawa. Jumlah kematian ini dijangka meningkat dari hari ke hari. Mereka yang terkorban dilaporkan banyak daripada kawasan perkampungan [...]
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