Pelarian Ethiopia Terima Bantuan Kemanusiaan Daripada Pelbagai Pihak
SUDAN, 10 Disember 2020 – Seramai 49,370 pelarian baharu dari Ethiopia telah mendaftar di bawah Suruhanjaya Pelarian Sudan (COR) dan Suruhanjaya Tinggi Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu
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Disember 10, 2020
Lawyer urges fellow survivors of gender-based violence in Iraq to speak out
Sara is a lawyer representing abuse and sexual violence survivors. She had been in a violent relationship for over a decade, but had never lodged
Disember 10, 2020

Islamic Relief counselling in Gaza helps girls like Noha who face violence at home
Fourteen-year old Noha* lived in such fear that even the sound of her own name terrified her. Noha lives in Gaza, where economic hardship and
Disember 7, 2020

Haya: My disability won’t hold me back
Wheelchairs, crutches or other visual indicators of disabilities are often the first thing to come to mind when we talk about disability. But what about
Disember 3, 2020

“I help survivors of abuse like me to see a different way to live”
Nermina, who lives in Gracanica in Bosnia and Herzegovina, experienced many years of domestic abuse. Here the 43-year-old reveals how Islamic Relief has helped her
Disember 1, 2020

Pemindahan pelarian berikutan konflik di Ethiopia
TIGRAY, 19 November 2020 – Lebih 5,000 pelarian Ethiopia didaftarkan di Sudan dalam tempoh sehari dengan jumlah seramai 28,286 pelarian yang terdiri dalam kalangan lelaki
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November 19, 2020