Fighting to be heard: Why the voices of people with disabilities are crucial to climate action
People with disabilities are often hardest hit by the consequences of climate change, but their experiences are less likely to be heard. This International Day
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Disember 7, 2022

A year after the attack on Gaza, businesses are still struggling to recover
On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Islamic Relief is highlighting the devastating impact of decades Israeli blockade on the businesses that
Disember 7, 2022

New generations are being damaged by the traumas of the Bosnian wartime
Bosnia and Herzegovina's war has caused devastating psychological effects on its citizens, including the generation born during or after the war. It has been estimated
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Disember 7, 2022

Bombing in Gaza turned my life upside-down
Khalidiya, 51, lives in Beit Hanoun, an area devastated by bombing in May 2021. Here, she explains how it turned her life upside-down, and what
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November 29, 2022

Gempa bumi bermagnitud 5.6 ragut 162 nyawa penduduk Indonesia
INDONESIA, 22 November 2022 – Sekurang-kurangnya 162 terkorban, manakala 700 lagi cedera dalam kejadian gempa bumi 5.6 magnitud dengan kedalaman 10 kilometer yang menggegarkan wilayah
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November 22, 2022

Khemah pelarian Syria di Lubnan terbakar
LUBNAN, 6 Oktober 2022 – Kira-kira 95 buah khemah pelarian Syria di kem Wafaa Al Omany, Aarsal, Lubnan musnah akibat kebakaran yang berlaku pada 5
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Oktober 6, 2022