BANGLADESH, 30 July – Heavy downpour and severe floods have claimed the lives of more than 100 people meanwhile thousands have fallen victim to water-borne diseases across Bangladesh.
Torrential rains coupled with rising water levels in the three major river basins have led to severe deluge across 22 flood-prone districts thus recorded the north, north-eastern and south-eastern parts of the country as the worst affected.
According to the anticipation report by Need Assessment Working Group (NAWG), an estimated 3.33 million people may be affected meanwhile according to National Disaster Response Coordination Centre (NDRRMC), over five million people have been marooned by floodwater in 31 districts.
The widespread damage to agricultural land and flood protection infrastructure will have an adverse impact on livelihood and food security.
The floods exacerbated the existing humanitarian situation as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak and Cyclone Amphan remain continued.
Further deterioration is expected in the coming days as water levels are not expected to recede before September.
Millions of people require urgent humanitarian assistance as many of those displaced are living in temporary shelters, whilst others are being forced to take refuge near highways or bridges.
Islamic Relief is currently working on emergency response activities to provide immediate assistance to the flood-affected families and the focus will be on recovery activities which will address the severe impact on agricultural workers’ livelihoods.