Kaushila: ‘I want justice for victims of sexual violence’

In honour of International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, we spoke to inspirational women who have battled violence against women. Kaushila is one of those women who has dedicated her life to advocating for victims and seeking justice. Here she talks about the impact of her activism. Kaushila Devi, 35, is the […]

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“We didn’t know the value of peace, until we didn’t have it anymore”

Today marks World Refugee Day, a day dedicated to honouring refugees from around the world. This year, we’re shedding light on 75-year-old Bayan’s story, whose family were forced to hide in the wilderness without food or drink in order to escape conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia. Now, thanks to Islamic Relief’s project which is supporting Tigray refugees, […]

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“I was scared for my life so I fled with my family, mother and brother. We had to pay 2,000 Ethiopian birr ($44) to cross the Blue Nile river to Sudan.”
“I have two daughters, Ledia, 8-years-old, and Salam, 2-years-old. “I used to be a store keeper for 10 years back home. I searched for a job here but with no luck. My husband works as a labourer in the camp. “WFP provides us with monthly food rations. Water is accessible and clean but we don’t [...]
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“Islamic Relief’s heart surgery centre in Syria saved my life”
11 years of crisis have devastated Syria’s healthcare, but with your support Islamic Relief is making sure vulnerable people can access life-saving and life-changing treatment. Among them is 58-year-old Ahmed. Left alone after his family fled their home in Kafranbel, in the Maarat al-Numan countryside, Ahmed began to feel tightness and severe pain in his [...]
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Islamic Relief Women’s Centres in Iraq Aim to Stop Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Islamic Relief women’s centres in Iraq are tackling sexual violence and gender-based violence (SGBV) through a series of activities today. Through the programme of activities to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, we aim to stop violence and help survivors. Events are taking place in Baghdad, Anbar and Kirkuk, [...]
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