BANGI, 24 Feb 2018 – Kolej Pendeta Za’ba of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) in collaboration with Rabbani Productions and Islamic Relief Malaysia (IRM) organizes IPTA / IPTS / IPTS Level Festivals (FESNAIS) and 1440H Charity Concert at UKM’s Tun Abdul Razak Chancellor Hall (DECTAR).
This program is an annual event conducted at the IPTA / IPTS level to unleash the talent of the song and the creative ideas of students in producing God-made songs.
“This festival festival is 10 percent of the proceeds from the concert ticket sales will be donated to the IRM to help the Care4Hunger Malawi campaign assistance project,” said Qussiynur Yakin Ainal Sure, Director General of IPTA / IPTS (FESNAIS) Nasyid Festival Director and 1440H Charity Concert.
Among the other objectives of organizing a two-in-one program entitled “The Art of Dakwah Bil Hikmah” is to embrace the spirit of leadership as a platform for students and students to serve the community through charity programs.
“Pure efforts and initiatives in organizing such charitable programs actually can be of value to the students when they seek employment because the organization needs more skilled students as well as the current issue rather than focusing solely on the results of an excellent examination,” said Zairulshahfuddin Zainal Abidin, IRM Chief Executive Officer in the program’s speech.
He added that the nature of volunteerism should be present in every young person’s heart and heart so that the goal of creating a caring world is the responsibility of all parties regardless of age.
Nasyid festivals have been held at four contests of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UKM) Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP) and Universiti Tun Hussien Onn Malaysia (UTHM). The title was won by the Zafreen group from UMP.
In addition to the performances of nasyid participants, the program also featured performances from the Rabbani Group, Hafiz Hamidun and Devotees while Irma Hasmie, the IRM Humanity Icon was invited to be one of the invited jury representatives.