Ramadan Relief Helps 15,700 Beneficiaries
Bangi, 24 May 2019 - Yemen's four-year conflict sparked the world's worst humanitarian crisis involving 24 million people, two-thirds of the country's population being threatened with famine and epidemics. As developed countries are exposed to extreme food waste, the United Nations (UN) reports that a total of 821 million people worldwide has food shortages. There [...]
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Syria’s Never Ending Conflict Continues To Impact Civilians,  Number Of Displacements Rises
Idlib, 30 May 2019 – The never-ending conflict in Northwest Syria continues  to impact civilians, infrastructure and humanitarian aid provision resulting in the  number of displacements from Northern Hama and Southern Idlib to increase to 307,434. As of May 29, the recent  escalation of violence in Northwest Syria resulted in more than  200 civilians, including [...]
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Fighting against All Odds

There’s a proverb that says strike the iron while it’s hot. Apart from parents, teachers are also responsible in shaping the behaviour of children at early stage of life. Fundamentally, the public recognises that teachers play a role to deliver knowledge in educating and helping the students to unleash their potential. Nevertheless, we should understand […]

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Conflict Activity Escalates in Syria, Urgently Needs Humanitarian Aid
Syria, 14 May 2019 – Conflict activity has escalated in Northwest Syria, affecting civilians, infrastructures, and services in Southern Hama and Southern Idleb governorates. Between April 30 and May 9 2019, air strikes and shelling killed at least 133 people while hundreds others were injured. Three health workers were among those reported to have died [...]
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Mali Utara Hadapi Kes Pelarian Dalam Negara

Mali, 1 Apr 2019 – Sekurang-kurangnya 24,414 pelarian dalam negara (IDP) kini memerlukan bantuan kemanusiaan segera. Antara golongan paling terkesan adalah kanak-kanak berumur sekitar enam hingga 59 bulan dan 450 kanak-kanak kini kekurangan gizi secara sederhana atau teruk. Islamic Relief (IR) merupakan antara agensi yang berada di kawasan Bambara-Maoude dan Haribomo di mana lokasi IDP yang […]

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Kutip Pengalaman Berharga di Palu
HIBA. Itulah ungkapan ringkas untuk menggambarkan situasi di Indonesia yang dihimpit dengan pelbagai bencana alam tahun lalu. Kehadiran gempa bumi dan tsunami sungguh meragut ribuan nyawa sehingga ada yang hidupnya kini kosong dan terpaksa menempuh liku-liku yang mendatang. Jauh di sudut pandangan, rakyatnya terhidu rasa hiba akibat kesan bencana yang dialami.   Namun, kehibaan itu [...]
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