Displacement in Southern Idlib Increase

IDLIB, 24 Dec. 2019– Since 16th Dec, tens of thousands of civilians have fled from Ma’arrat An-Nu’man area in southern Idlib governorate, moving further north due to renewed intensive aerial bombardment. Thousands of others, who are among the most vulnerable, are reportedly waiting for the bombardment to ease and find transportation to flee from the […]

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6.8 magnitude Earthquake hit Southern Philippines

MANILA, 16 Dec. 2019– A powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.8 hit the Southern Philippine island of Mindanao. Five people were killed including a child while dozens are injured and damaging building in an area still recovering from a string of deadly quakes in October-November 2019. Islamic Relief team on the ground is completely safe and […]

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Albania struck by 6.4 magnitude earthquake

Albania, 27 Nov. 2019– Albania struck by a strong earthquake on Tuesday causing the building to collapse, with some residents trapped under the rubble and causing panic among residents. The 6.4 magnitude earthquake caused at least 360 people were injured in the collision while also affected houses. According to the Ministry of Defense and the […]

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Syrian Displacement Escalate Due to the Hostilities

BEIRUT, 23 Oct. 2019– Since military operations in northeast Syria began, around 160,000 civilians have been displaced. On October 13, about 5,000 people were reported to move from the city of Ein Issa to the Ar-Raqqa area. Several hundred families were also reported to have left Menbij, Aleppo Governorate due to the hostilities. Refugees began […]

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Fuel Crisis in Yemen Affect Food Supply and Medical Assistance

Yemen, 18 Oct. 2019– Yemen is currently experiencing a fuel crisis and has led to rising food prices and a growing health crisis. Delivery of food and medical supplies took longer, while hospital and water filtration systems need fuel to operate. Islamic Relief Yemen reported that the operation was going well but if the situation […]

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