Food remains the priority needs in Beirut
LEBANON, 6 October 2020 – Analysis from the Multi-Sector Needs Assessment shows that food remains the second-top priority needs alongside cash and shelter repairs. The Beirut Port explosions that occurred last August have caused the death of at least 180 people. Meanwhile, 6,500 injured and left the country with further pressure on the deteriorating economic [...]
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Yayasan Kebajikan Negara and Islamic Relief Malaysia Continue To Help Asnaf Children
BANGI, 3rd October – Eight candidates of Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM) who successfully further their studies to university received a laptop meanwhile, other seven excellent students of the Primary School Achievement Test (UPSR), Primary Secondary Assessment (PMR) and SPM received hampers and stationaries sponsored by the National Welfare Foundation (YKN) through the Holistic Education [...]
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Covid-19 Pandemic in East Africa Further Aggravate
EAST AFRICA, 2 October 2020 – Kenya, Ethiopia, and Somalia see a sharp increase in positive cases and death due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Nearly 40,000 people have been infected while the death toll has reached over 700 in Kenya. Almost 74,584 positive cases and 1,191 deaths were reported in Ethiopia as of 29 September. [...]
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Bulan akademik RISE ketengahkan gaya pembelajaran VAK
KAJANG, 1 Oktober – Inisiatif pusat pendidikan alternatif Rohingya Intellectual Skills and Excellence (RISE) kelolaan Islamic Relief Malaysia melancarkan program bulan akademik bertujuan untuk menambah baik proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) kepada para pelajar. Program itu menyasarkan objektif bagi menyediakan para pelajar dengan cara pembelajaran yang berbeza sehingga mereka mampu mengaplikasi ilmu pengetahuan ke dalam [...]
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Catastrophic flooding in Sudan
SUDAN, 1 October 2020 – Catastrophic floods following heavy downpours since mid-July have driven up the number of casualties to over 120, critically affected more than 830,000 people, and resulted in widespread damage. The heavy downpours have affected 18 states including Eastern, Northern, and Western Sudan, causing River Nile to overflow which triggering floods and landslides. [...]
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Ongoing Conflict and Violence in Mali

MALI, 25 September 2020 – A total of 5,662 people have been forced to flee their homes due to an attack done by Barkhane in Benzena, Malaki, Talawat, in the community of Inadiafatane, Ghourma Rharous at the end of the last August. Meanwhile, an attack in Tinbamagueye, Issetane, and Azalamzalem happened in September. Conflicts that […]

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