“Islamic Relief’s heart surgery centre in Syria saved my life”
11 years of crisis have devastated Syria’s healthcare, but with your support Islamic Relief is making sure vulnerable people can access life-saving and life-changing treatment. Among them is 58-year-old Ahmed. Left alone after his family fled their home in Kafranbel, in the Maarat al-Numan countryside, Ahmed began to feel tightness and severe pain in his [...]
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Islamic Relief Women’s Centres in Iraq Aim to Stop Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Islamic Relief women’s centres in Iraq are tackling sexual violence and gender-based violence (SGBV) through a series of activities today. Through the programme of activities to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in Conflict, we aim to stop violence and help survivors. Events are taking place in Baghdad, Anbar and Kirkuk, [...]
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Sustainable peace depends on involving women and young people in peacebuilding
Across the globe, conflict causes widespread insecurity, poverty, and mass displacement, often leading to humanitarian emergencies and human rights violations. It’s often women and young people that bear the brunt of violent conflict. Islamic Relief’s Global Advocacy Research Coordinator Najma Abukar argues that sustainable peace can only be secured by protecting the rights of women and [...]
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‘Double discrimination’ against women with disabilities must stop
In communities affected by conflict, people with disabilities are often persecuted, forced to flee their homes and deprived of basic human rights – and typically find it even harder than others to  access support. For women, it is even harder again. Our Protection and Inclusion Advisor Sherin AlShaikhAhmed sheds light on new research by Islamic [...]
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“Everyone has the right to be able to provide for their children”: Empowering women’s livelihoods in Bosnia
Islamic Relief is running a project in Stolac, Bosnia, which is enabling women to become self-reliant. The project involves creating new sustainable livelihoods by providing 96 women with greenhouses and the equipment and training needed to grow and sell fruit and vegetables. Jasmina who tragically lost her husband and home during the Bosnian war, is [...]
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