Afghanistan, 9 Oct 2018 – Approximately 2 million people are affected by drought, of whom 1.4 million people are in desperate need of humanitarian assistance.
Approximately 253,600 people are currently displaced due to drought across the Western Region of Afghanistan, of whom 75,000 are in Herat.
At least 20 out of 34 provinces in Afghanistan are facing severe drought as declared by the government and requested international community’s support.
The drought has further intensified the existing humanitarian situation which affected Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), refugee returnees from Pakistan and Iran and ongoing conflict in majority provinces of Afghanistan.
Islamic Relief (IR) Afghanistan was initially requested by Emergency Shelter & Non-Food Items (ESNFI) cluster to provide assistance to the IDPs who desperately need urgent shelter in Herat Province.
IR Afghanistan has also proposed an intervention in Bamyan and Balkh provinces as there exists operational capacity and operational presence. Among the needs saw are food supplies and protection initiatives.